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Our Ref
Street Name
Cumloden Estate
Post Code
Type of Order
Repair Category
13(1)(a), 13(1)(b), 13(1)(c), 13(1)(f)
Decision Date
Members Names
J Taylor, G Campbell, J Riach
At the inspection they found as follows:-a. The windows had been sealed by the Tenants.b. The leaking sky light had been repaired.c. There was evidence of historic rising damp in the property, however there was no actual dampness at the time of the inspection.d. The roof leaks had been repaired.e. The collapsing drain outside the utility room had been repaired and a metal grate had been placed over the drain.f. The crumbling concrete floor and steps in the room leading off the utility room had been repaired.g. There was historic evidence of woodworm in the loft.h. A new heating system had been installed.i. A new water filter system had been installed.j. The property had been rewired and a certificate of compliance was provided.k. The grate had been repaired.I. Two hard wired smoke alarms had been installed.The Committee found that all the alleged defects had been repaired.The Committee accordingly determined that the Landlord had not failed to comply with the duty imposed by Section 14 (1)(b) of the Act.


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