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Our Ref
Street Name
South Duntulm
Isle of Skye
Post Code
IV51 9UF
Type of Order
Cert of Completion
Repair Category
13(1)(a), 13(1)(b), 13(1)(c), 13(1)(d), 13(1)(e), 13(1)(f)
Decision Date
Members Names
J Lea, S Hesp
The Committee noted that:-. The back window in the living room has had new seals put on and is a better fit than previously. The rear window in the main bedroom has been repaired and closes securely. There was no evidence of any leakage. The rear door has been re-weighted and now closes to a snug fit.. The stair carpet has been replaced and there are no holes on the stairway.The Committee was satisfied that all works required by the RSEO had been satisfactorily carried out. Accordingly, the Committee decided to grant a Certificate of Completion.


cc.81.10_0.pdf (149.23 KB)